Daily Tasks / Shared Living
Daily Tasks/Shared Living
At Care Extra, we are committed to helping our participants live autonomous lives by providing support with small household tasks. This includes our Supported Independent Living (SIL) program and assistance with daily life tasks. Our highly trained staff is dedicated to supervising daily tasks in a shared living environment, providing caring support that allows participants to maintain their independence and autonomy.

We understand that each participant has unique needs and requirements, and our team members are competent and capable of providing individualized support. Before assigning a team member to assist you, we take the time to learn about what is important to you, including your lifestyle, ideal home situation, important relationships, and daily routines. By understanding your needs and preferences, we can provide the support you need to live life on your own terms.

At Care Extra, our ultimate goal is to empower participants to live their lives to the fullest. Whether you require short-term or ongoing support, we are here to help with household tasks and daily life activities, allowing you to maintain your independence and autonomy. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate care that meets your unique needs and helps you achieve your goals.